Member Berry
Skunkberry x Mandarin Sunset
THC Range
Top Terpenes
Berries, Grape
Helps With
Anxiety, Stress, Depression
Aroused, Euphoric, Relaxed, Hungry
‘Member the last time you had the most pleasant high?’…it was probably Member Berry from C4. Combining Skunkberry and Mandarin Sunset, C4’s Member Berry is built different. Consistently testing around 30% in THC (or higher), Member Berry is one of C4’s best selling hybrid strains. With a strong and energizing high at the front end, Member Berry mellows out and is notoriously long lasting. Speaking of ‘long lasting’, those in the know understand that Member Berry provides a very tantric, out of this world experience. With this peppy strain, you’ll be in bed, but not asleep. Fans of C4’s Member Berry also enjoy it before the gym, or prior to any aerobic activity where you’re going for your personal best. As always, Member Berry is grown with C4’s Clean Green® cultivation standards. A higher standard, naturally. Learn more about our Clean Green® Certification here.
*Strain information is based solely on user experience and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult your physician regarding the use of marijuana products. As always, enjoy responsibly.